Sunday, May 13, 2012


I went to prom last night, and it was so much fun! There's something about getting all dressed up and dancing and taking pictures that makes prom so much fun! I'm feeling the after effects of prom today because I have no voice from singing while dancing and my calfs hurt from wearing 5 inch stiletto heels. I think prom can be a metaphor for some situations in life. Relationships are a lot like this because they are fun while you're in them, but they have some sort of consequences after they are done.  Either you have good consequences, like marriage, or you have bad consequences, like breaking up. Most relationships have good and bad consequences because you have good memories, but it still hurts. Prom has all the memories, but you're usually tired afterwards and sore. No matter what it is, prom or relationships, every decision we make and every thing we decide to do has positive or negative consequences, so we have to choose which things to take the risk with.

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