Saturday, September 25, 2010


I'm sitting here in my sister's dorm and her dorm is covered in little dots that say things on them. One of the dots has a quote from Francis Chan that got me thinking. The quote says, "Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers." That quote is so true, but a little hard to handle. If our lives make any sense at all to unbelievers, that's not good. Christianity is completely separate from the world, so we should show that. I know that this quote is a little controversial because some of the things we do will have to make sense because then no one would get saved, but I think it's talking about our everyday lives and the things we choose to do in life. If anything we decide to do can be rationalized by the world, then it isn't probably the right thing to do. We need to stand out and be different. We need to have a totally different life focus than the world. No matter what we decide to do with our lives, our overall goal should be to disciple people and win the world for Christ. Unbelievers have a different mind set, and once we start thinking that mind set might work too, we're going in the wrong direction. We need to constantly strive to be different. The speaker at my high school's retreat, Doug Routledge, said "Great leaders always stand out." I agree with that, but I take it a step further. I say, "Great Christians always stand out." Dare to stand out.