Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I can't wait 4......

Many people today have things they look forward to.  Whether it's a birthday or a special event, everyone has things they can't wait for.  If you really think about it, half of the fun of the event is the waiting.  Some people may disagree, but if you don't have the waiting and counting down until the day of the event, half the fun is gone because there is no time to make yourself wait till the event.  Just remember that even though you don't like having to wait for something fun to happen, it will be worth the wait in the end.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Failure 2

As I said earlier, failure is much easier than success.  I have something to add to that.  Failure might come because of interferences.  I'm not saying you shoud make excuses, but I am saying that sometimes difficulty is added by outside forces.  You shouldn't complain about those and use them as excuses.  Use them to motivate you next time you try to do that task.  Objects on the outside sometimes can't be controlled, but that doesn't mean you should use them to whine or complain or to get out of the blame for the failure.  Just suck it up and try agan.  Problems are all around us.  The people who are truely strong have learned how to use past experiences to shape the future.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Perspective Shaker

I just visited a house today that had a fire in it about 5 months ago.l  The fire was only in the basement in one room of the basement, but the whole house smells like soot and fire.  The basement is all black and all of their belongings are ruined.  All of their walls have to be taken out and replaced.  Anything in the house that was white, including the marble on the floor and the counter tops, are brown and ruined.  It was the most depressing thing you would ever see.  It really shakes the way you look at your own house.  It makes me realize that I have been taking a lot of things for granted.  Even my own house and belongings I have been taking for granted.  Seeing this house has changed my point of view forever.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Failure is so much easier to obtain than success.  It's easier to give up when times get hard.  Success only comes to those who work.  The three prior sentences are said all the time when people talk about sports or homework.  I think it applies to everything you do in life.  Even in the smallest things you do, you can decide to fail and give up, or to continue on, even when you either don't want to, or it gets harder.  An example is when you decide you want to wake up early.  Today I decided I was going to wake up at 7:30 AM so my morning and day would feel longer and I could get more done.  In the end, I gave up and failed because I turned off my alarm and slept in till 9 AM.  I feel bad because I didn't succeed in defeating my body;s want to sleep more.  My body had already gotten the healthy 8 hours of sleep, but it wanted more and I was not strong enough to defeat the overpowering want to sleep in.  Thanks to this example, you can see that life has noe success and failure choices then most people think.  It's like in the Bible where it says that if you do well in the small things, God will give you more responsibility in big things as well.  I hope that now you realize that you need to have a longing to succeed in everything you do, because if you choose to fail in the small things constantly, you will end up being inclined to want to fail in the big choices too.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Have you ever felt like the day is pointless?  Some days I feel like I don't have anything significantly important to do, so the day is going to be a waste.  It's hard because I need to remember that everyday could be my last and I need to make them worth while.   Everyday needs to become important and needs to have someway of being remembered.  I'm not saying that I need to do something huge and groundbreaking everyday.  I'm saying that I need to make each day worth living.  If you sit around all day and do absolutely nothing, then your going to waste your life.  Summer is the main time of year when time is wasted, when it should be the season when we get the most done for the good of the world and for God.  We have so much time on our hands that we should be shaking the world for the better.  Just like the band Big Time Rush's lyrics say, "If you want it all, lay it all on the line.  It's the only life you got, so you gotta live it bigtime."  That should define most of what we do.  We need to dream big and not be afraid to go for it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Just started

I just started this blog and this is my first blog! Yay!